What is Mqtt? and How To Use With Odoo?

To use MQTT with Odoo, you would need to have both systems installed and configured on your network. You would also need to write custom code to connect the two systems and handle the data exchange between them. This is typically done using an MQTT client library and the Odoo API. To connect your odoo server with mqtt broker you can contact with us.

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Odoo Mqtt Broker Integration

How to connect Odoo Server and Mosquitto Mqtt Broker

Odoo is an open-source suite of business applications that includes various modules for enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and other business needs. MQTT is a messaging protocol that is commonly used for IoT (Internet of Things) applications. It is designed for efficient, lightweight communication between devices with limited computing power.

  • There are various ways in which Odoo and MQTT could be integrated, depending on the specific needs and requirements of your business. Some possible ways of integrating the two systems include:

  • Using MQTT to collect data from IoT devices and send it to Odoo for further processing and analysis. This could be useful, for example, for tracking the performance of equipment or monitoring environmental conditions in a factory or warehouse.

  • Using MQTT to receive notifications or alerts from Odoo, such as when a customer places an order or a product is low in stock. This could allow you to stay informed and take action in real-time.

  • Using MQTT to control or manage devices connected to the internet, such as turning on or off a piece of equipment or changing its settings. This could be useful, for example, for managing a smart building or a fleet of vehicles.

  • To integrate Odoo and MQTT, you would need to have both systems installed and configured on your network. You would also need to write custom code to connect the two systems and handle the data exchange between them. This is typically done using an MQTT client library and the Odoo API. It is recommended to work with an experienced developer who has knowledge of both systems to ensure a successful integration.

At first, You Must Install Mosquitto Broker To Own Your Ubuntu Server

To install the Mosquitto broker on an Ubuntu server, follow these steps:

Update the package index by running the following command:

sudo apt - get   update  

Install the Mosquitto broker package using the following command:

Update the package index by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install mosquitto

After the installation is complete, the Mosquitto broker service will automatically start. You can verify that the service is running by checking its status:

Update the package index by running the following command:

sudo systemctl status mosquitto

If you want the Mosquitto broker to start automatically when the server is restarted, enable the service using the following command:

Update the package index by running the following command:

sudo systemctl enable mosquitto

You can also use the Mosquitto command-line utilities to manage the broker and test its functionality. For example, you can use the mosquitto_sub and mosquitto_pub commands to subscribe to and publish messages on a topic, respectively. You can also use the mosquitto_passwd command to manage the authentication credentials for connecting to the broker.

That's it! You have successfully installed the Mosquitto broker on your Ubuntu server. You can now use it to facilitate communication between devices using the MQTT protocol.

Install Mqtt Client to Odoo Python Side

To write an MQTT client in Python, you can use the  paho-mqtt library, which provides a client class with methods for connecting to a broker, publishing messages, and subscribing to topics. Here is an example of how you can use this library to implement a simple MQTT client:

First, install the  paho-mqtt library using the  pip package manager:


Then, import the Client class from the paho-mqtt library and create an instance of the client:

from paho.mqtt import Client client = Client()

Next, you can connect to the MQTT broker by calling the connect method on the client instance, passing the broker's hostname and port number as arguments:

client.connect( 'localhost', 1883)

Once you are connected to the broker, you can publish messages to a topic by calling the publish method on the client instance, passing the topic name and the message as arguments:

client.publish( 'my_topic', 'Hello, World!')

You can also subscribe to a topic by calling the subscribe method on the client instance, passing the topic name as an argument:

client.subscribe( 'my_topic')

Finally, you can start a loop to process incoming messages by calling the loop_start method on the client instance. This will start a background thread that listens for messages on the subscribed topics and passes them to a callback function that you specify:

def on_message( client, userdata, message):
print( f'Received message " {message.payload}" on topic " {message.topic}"' )
client.on_message = on_message

This is a simple example of how to use the paho-mqtt library to implement an MQTT client in Python. For more advanced features and usage examples, refer to the library's documentation.

Advantages Of Mqtt Usage With Odoo Server

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol that is commonly used for IoT (Internet of Things) applications. It is designed for efficient, lightweight communication between devices with limited computing power.

Some advantages of using MQTT in a factory setting include:

  • Efficient communication: MQTT uses a publish/subscribe model for communication, which allows for efficient data exchange between devices. This means that devices only receive the messages that are relevant to them, reducing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and conserving bandwidth.

  • Low overhead: MQTT has a small footprint and low overhead, which makes it well-suited for use with devices that have limited computing power and memory. This makes it possible to connect a large number of devices to the network without overburdening the system.

  • Reliability: MQTT has built-in mechanisms for ensuring the reliability of communication, such as retransmission of lost messages and automatic reconnection of disconnected clients. This makes it suitable for mission-critical applications where reliable communication is essential.

  • Flexibility: MQTT is flexible and can be used in a variety of different scenarios, such as remote monitoring, asset tracking, and control of equipment. This makes it a versatile tool for use in a factory setting.

Some potential uses of MQTT in a factory include:

  • Monitoring the performance of equipment and machines, such as their operational status, temperature, and other metrics.

  • Tracking the location and status of assets, such as tools, parts, and finished products.

  • Controlling and managing equipment and machines, such as turning them on or off, adjusting their settings, or issuing commands.

  • Sending alerts or notifications, such as when a machine needs maintenance or a product is ready for shipment.

  • Gathering data for analysis and reporting, such as for quality control or process optimization.